working holiday





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台湾人の友達 Ann!











Why do you make line sticker?

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I recently knew LINE Store has Creators Market for creators who can design their own stickers and sell it online. As this reason not only I want to try to make it but also understand what a certain extent about designing skill I can do it.


Why do you decide this picture?


Few years ago, My lovely friend who had posted letter to me. She drew the comic portrait about my face on the envelope. I love her drawing a lot.

At first, I had tried to let this face owns other expressions and draw the colors for icon of my computer desktop.

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Recently, I had created it has a lot of movement and motion in any circumstance for stickers.

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How to make sticker? (What is software u use?)


I used the software is CorelDRAW which is a good typesetting one.
I always used Pen Tools/Bezier Curve to draw it. This is software such as Illustrator software.


How many days when do you make sticker?

Honestly, I spent a lot of time to design it. I hadn’t only created it after I came of my duty at home but also in the whole weekend. In conclude, I spent 7 days to design it totally.

How is reverberation?

Actually, I didn’t support it on my own way. Just only to tell my family, relatives and friends when I slotted it on the LINE store. However, I sold out for one hundred in first month. After that, I didn’t check it but I think it not very good.

As we know, It’s really hard to sell sticker on the LINE Store due to we can see over 100,000 stickers on sale.
On the other hand, my friend suggest me I can try to design new one.

How to use your sticker?

Some people don’t know how to purchase it. Firstly, choosing Sticker Shop in App: LINE

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Secondly, to type the keyword in the Search bar.

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The keyword is “Ann Chen” or “Moron” or “Moron boy” or “ The little Moron Boy”

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It is easily to fine the location to download it.

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The user can use credit card or Coins or phone number to pay it and then download it. The way is depends on different countries.

let me know when you use line sticker, and demonstration

(1) The sticker which Mandarin is “找我嗎?” means “Do you fine me?” or “I’m here.” People could use this state of the situation is When your friends want to talk with you or you want to talk with the person. Moreover, the user usually chose second one for greeting, too.

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Why does his pet is turtle?

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I created this role’s pet is turtle due to my pet is also that one. This is why The Little Moron Boy’s pet is turtle.






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